Calming Treatment Mask

Calming Treatment Mask


Keep calm and glow on with this nourishing face sheet mask saturated with skin-soothing nutrients to deliver soft, calm and refreshing hydration.


Packed with allantoin, aloe barbendesis leaf water which soothes while rejuvenating the skin, and made even better with panthenol to deliver a moisture-lock, refresh and luminous glow.


BPOM : NA18220200807


Calming Treatment Mask


Keep calm and glow on with this nourishing face sheet mask saturated with skin-soothing nutrients to deliver soft, calm and refreshing hydration.


Packed with allantoin, aloe barbendesis leaf water which soothes while rejuvenating the skin, and made even better with panthenol to deliver a moisture-lock, refresh and luminous glow.


BPOM : NA18220200807

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in Chinese folklore, rabbit often portrayed as a companion of the moon goddess. Pounding medicine for the mortals.

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Face Coesmetic 1

2 x Rp.180.000

Face Coesmetic 2

2 x Rp.220.000

Face Coesmetic 3

2 x Rp.800.000

Subtotal: Rp.2.000.000